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Financial Aid

At American Hair Academy, we believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to benefit from higher education. That's why we provide financial aid to those who qualify. We'll help you explore your options so you can decide on the best way to pay for your education. 

  • What is the cost of Tuition?
    The program is conducted over, four (4) terms, two (2) 14-week terms and two (2) 10-week terms. The 2023-2024 tuition rates for each term is $5714.00 for 2-14 week terms and $4126.00 for the final 2 terms. With a total cost of $19,680.00 ($2000 is for kit items and $90 for lab fees which are prorated throughout the program). Full-time students attend 37 hours a week. Charges are subject to review and change affective July 1 of each year.
  • What financial options are available for me to pay for this program?
    The individual who has been accepted as a ful-time student must pay institutional charges at the time of registration pr as set up between the school and the student. This payment of fees is for the first 15 weeks of the course. Kits are the property of the student only at time of graduation. Students must also pay prescribed charges at each enrollment period thereafter for which they are enrolled. A $95 application fee is to accompany your application when enrolling into our program. We accept the following payment methods: No-interest payments, Grants, Student loans, Parent plus loans, and VA benefits
  • How do I apply for Financial Aid?
    In order to qualify for finacial assistance all applicants must complete a FREE application for ederal Student Aid (FAFSA). The application can be completed online at American Hair Academy's school code is 016167. Now available is the IRS data retrevial tool to easily transfer your tax information directly to the FAFSA. Please use this tool to help expedite the process and easily verify your income. Federal Student Aid: Standard Occupational Codes :
  • What is the cost-of-living expenses?
    Living expenses Food allowance $ 451 per month Housing allowance for students living off campus $ 887.00 per month Housing allowance for Dependent students living at home $ 0 per month Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $ 507.00 per month Transportation expenses $ 320.00 per month Dependent care $ 480.00 per month This information is derived from a survey conducted among current students for the 23/24 award year.

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Campus Address:

304 S. Iris St. Mt. Pleasant, Ia.  52641



  • American Hair Academy

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