
Tuition Policies for Service Members
Military Deployment: Iowa Administrative Code 261.9(1)g provides military students the following:
If a student who is a member of the military or the spouse of a member of the military (if the member has a dependent child) is deployed (ordered to state military service or federal service or duty) and must discontinue enrollment, the student will be entitled to a either a full refund of the current term or may arrange to complete the current term and/or return following deployment to complete the course. The student must submit deployment papers to the college to enact this refund.
V.A. Program: The refund procedure outlined by the V.A. Policies applies to all students enrolled at American Hair Academy under the V.A. Program and supersedes any refund policies outlined in the enrollment agreement for the students who qualify. The V.A. Policy specifically requires that a student’s VA benefits may be interrupted and/or the student’s enrollment may be cancelled if they are absent for more than 14 consecutive days.
Re-Enrollment disclosures for Returning Service Members
American Hair Academy complies with the following in regard to Uniformed Service Members: whether voluntary or involuntary, in the armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard Duty under Federal authority, for a period of more than thirty (30) consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than thirty (30) consecutive days:
•Re-admit returning Service Member with the same academic status meaning:
•In the next available class.
•Same number of completed clock hours
•With same SAP standing
•First year tuition and fees are the same that would have been assessed for the academic
year in which the student left.
•American hair Academy will make reasonable efforts to help returning Service Members
prepare to resume or complete a
program and will be at no extra cost to the student.
•“Reasonable Efforts” means no undue hardship to the institution.
•Student is entitled to re-admission if:
•He or she gives written notice of the service
•The cumulative length of absence and all previous absences for the service is less than or
equal to five (5) years.
•He or she gives oral or written notice of intent to return
•Notice of intent to return must be no later than three(3) years after completion of period of
service OR
•No later than two (2) years after end of period necessary for recovery from service related
illness or injury.
•Student must provide documentation to establish that:
•Student has not exceeded limitation on the cumulative length of absence
•Student’s eligibility for re-admission has not been terminated including but not limited to a
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
External Transfer Applicant – Credit for Prior Education
American Hair Academy accepts transfer students. You must have an interview at the College to determine the reason for transferring and level of training acquired. Tuition adjustments will be made according to the number of hours you have obtained.
Students wishing to transfer will produce all academic and financial records and hold an interview with school official before acceptance. If accepted, American Hair Academy reserves the right to limit the hours accepted and may require transfer assessment, at the expense of the applicant, prior to the determination of credit transfer. A student who transfers cosmetology credit from another school must enroll for one complete term at American Hair Academy before being eligible to graduate. The Academy strives to provide the best possible opportunity for success in the field and has the right to accept or deny the transfer of credit according to its policy and procedures.
All external transfer applicants must apply for admission through the admission office and must otherwise meet all admissions requirements. Transfers will only be accepted when space is available. Full course starts are granted priority. The transfer credit will not impact the Academy’s refund policy.
Career Placement Assistance
Although American Hair Academy provides placement assistance, career guidance and opportunity referrals, it is primarily an educational institution, not a job service, and therefore may not guarantee employment. However, the Academy attempts to assist students and graduates in job-seeking skills and interview assistance, including but not limited to guidance on professional expectations, including conduct and appearance.
American Hair Academy is dedicated to the success of its students as professional designers. Academy staff will provide assistance to current and graduates seeking employment within the beauty industry.
Disabilities and Accommodations
American Hair Academy is committed that no qualified handicapped person, by reason of his or her handicap, will be excluded from enrolling in a course of instruction or be subjected to discrimination based upon disability.
Due to state licensing requirements and rigorous industry standards that are in place to protect the public, all students are required to meet the academic standards outlined in this catalog and/or as amended hereafter.
The basic expectation for students entering American Hair Academy is a desire to learn. This does not guarantee freedom in course and/or program selection. American Hair Academy provides educational opportunities for a wide variety of achievement levels and, therefore, must establish realistic entrance standards, as appropriate. Even in the case of these established standards, the Admissions Officer is given a degree of flexibility which permits placing the welfare of the student above all else. No student shall be excluded from any program at this institution because of race, color, religion, sex, ethnic origin, age or physical/mental handicap or status as a military veteran.

Tuition Policies for Service Members
In order to be considered to be in SAP all students regardless of whether receiving Title IV funds or an independent payment plan must meet the Academy’s policy regarding academics and attendance at the time of official progress evaluations. Unofficial reviews of progress are not used when determining the student official satisfactory progress but will be used to advise the student toward meeting the standard by the time of official review.
American Hair Academy’s minimum progress standards for official determination are:
•75% cumulative theory/practical (qualitative measure).
•75% cumulative rate of attendance (quantitative measure) that will allow the student to complete his or her program within the maximum timeframe (133%) allowed.
SAP Academic Requirements
The qualitative measure of satisfactory progress is determined by achievement in theory and practical work. All students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade average of 75% in both theory and in practical for each evaluation period.
SAP Attendance Requirements
All students are required to attend regularly. Failure to do so may result in failure to meet satisfactory standards and/or termination. The student must maintain a minimum cumulative attendance average of 75% during each official evaluation period in order to be considered to be meeting the satisfactory progress standard. This is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of hours the student has successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours the student has attempted.
Attendance will be monitored at least monthly in order to determine unofficial withdrawals and in order to provide advising to students who may be progressing below the standards set forth by the Academy.
All absences other than those covered by an approved leave of absence or official closure/holiday periods shall be recorded as such and shall be used in the determination of the student’s cumulative attendance average and satisfactory progress status.
According to state requirements, students are required to complete all hours as mandated for the course or as required by the institution, whichever is higher. There are no official excused absences; therefore, students who are absent must make up the hours missed. A student may surpass the required hours in order to complete other graduation requirements for the course as prescribed by the Academy.
Maximum Timeframe Determination
The Academy requires a student to progress through the program toward graduation within a set and standard timeframe. Based upon the Academy’s requirement of 75% attendance, the maximum timeframe during which students are to complete the course is 133% of the published course length. This quantitative measure of progress will be reviewed at the midpoint of the program and during each official evaluation period thereafter. If at any time it is determined that a student is unable to complete the program within the maximum established timeframe, the student will be deemed to be in unsatisfactory progress, therefore, ineligible for financial aid(if applicable) and may be terminated from the program.
LOA (Leave of Absence) impact on maximum timeframe: If a student takes an approved leave of absence, his or her expected graduation (contract period) date will be adjusted for the number of actual days taken on leave. The maximum timeframe is adjusted accordingly.
SAP Reviews
Official review of the students’ progress will take place at the end of each students scheduled pay period (each 481 hours).
Official Evaluation Periods
Satisfactory Academic Progress is officially determined according to evaluation periods. Students will receive a written notice of their official SAP determination including a description of actions required should a student be deemed to be below the SAP standards of the Academy.
Official Evaluation periods are based on scheduled time and completed as follows:
1-450 HRS.- 451-900 HRS - 901-1225 HRS - 1226-1550 HRS.
Transfer student evaluation periods are based on the total number of Hours the transfer student is contracted for. All transfer students will have at least on official evaluation prior to the midpoint of their contract length or at the time of evaluation periods described above, whichever is earlier.
Re-enrollment evaluation periods are determined by the amount of time since the last date attended. Students that re-enroll within 180 days of their last date attended will be reviewed according to the evaluation timetable above. Students that re-enroll 181 days or greater after their last date of attendance will be evaluated based on the number of hours needed during the new enrollment only. Re-enrollments are treated similar to a transfer with regard to evaluation periods.
Determination of SAP Status
If a student is meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements in academics and attendance at the time of official evaluation, he or she shall be in SAP until the next scheduled official evaluation. If the student is not maintaining SAP they may have their Title IV funding interrupted, unless the student is on warning or has prevailed upon appeal resulting in a status of probation.
SAP Warning
Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress are placed on warning and considered to be making SAP while during the warning period. If at the end of the warning period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements, he/she may be placed on probation and, if applicable, student may be deemed ineligible to receive Title IV funds.
SAP Probation
Students who fail to meet requirements for attendance or academic progress after the warning period will be placed on probation, and have the right to appeal(see appeal process). Additionally, only students who have the ability to meet the SAP standards by the end of the evaluation period may be placed on probation. Students placed on an academic plan must be able to meet requirements set forth in the academic plan to attain SAP and be advised in writing of the actions required to attain SAP by the next evaluation. If at the end of the probationary period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements required for SAP or by the academic plan, he/she will be determined as not making SAP and, if applicable, students will not be deemed eligible to receive Title IV funds.
Appeal Process
Students who lose FSA eligibility may appeal within 15 calendar days on designated form; this appeal must explain why student failed to make satisfactory progress (such as death of relative, an injury or illness of the student, or any other allowable special or mitigating circumstance) along with documentation of such, and what has changed in their situation that will allow student to make satisfactory progress at next evaluation. The student shall also develop a plan that will let them successfully achieve this goal. Student will be notified in 30 days and if granted this appeal student will be placed on probation and results will be recorded on their SAP progress report until next
evaluation in which the student will either regain FSA for next pay period or lose FSA altogether, will be granted on a case by case basis.
SAP Issues Related to Transfers
The Academy does not consider prior performance measures when considering the initial SAP status for a transfer student except as it pertains to the granting of prior credit. In other words, a transfer student is treated as if he or she is a new student with regard to SAP. Upon acceptance the student is deemed to be in SAP until the first available evaluation period, which is based o his or her current enrollment only (contracted hours). All transfer students regardless of the amount of transfer credit are required to maintain satisfactory progress in order to successfully move toward graduation (see maximum timeframe). These transfer hours will be counted as both attempted and completed when determining maximum timeframe which is based on 133% of the transfer student’s contracted hours. Maximum timeframe reviews shall take place at least once by midpoint of the transfer student’s contracted hours.
SAP Issues Related to Re-Enrollment
Students who withdrew or were terminated and return to the program will return in the same SAP status in which they left (example: on suspension = return on suspension, in satisfactory progress, return in sat. progress) until the next evaluation period. Students who lefts during an initial evaluation period (who did not yet have an evaluation) shall be deemed to be in satisfactory progress until an official period; treated similar to a student who was on an official leave of absence.
Students may be considered in satisfactory progress upon re-admission if they were in SAP at the time of their withdrawal. If the student was deemed in unsatisfactory progress, he or she would remain in that same status upon re-enrollment and until his or her first evaluation period in the new enrollment, which would be based on the new enrollment period only or unless her or she was successful in an appeal of his or her SAP status. If the student had never been evaluated for SAP during the prior enrollment, he or she will be considered to be in SAP and will not be evaluated until the first available evaluation period, which is based on the new enrollment period only.
Leave of Absence Policy
A leave of absence (LOA) may be granted by the Academy. The office must approve all requests for LOA. Failure to gain approval may result in unofficial withdrawal according to the Academy’s withdrawal and termination policies. LOA’s may not exceed a total of 180 calendar days. An approved leave may occur for a period of no less than 7 calendar days and no greater than 180 calendar days. Students contract will be adjusted the same number of days as taken in the LOA.
Students considering a LOA should seek advice from the Financial Aid office to determine the impact of a leave prior to deciding on such. A LOA will not be granted during basic training. If you need excess time off during this period you will need to move to the next basic class.
Deadlines for Filing a LOA Request
Leaves should be requested in advance of the requested leave date. In emergency situations this may not be possible; therefore, the student is to contact the Financial Aid office within 2 business days of the start of the leave period.
All requests for leave are to be requested through a leave of absence request form. (Faxed requests may be considered; however, by federal regulation emailed requests are not sufficient). Forms may
be obtained during regular business hours at the financial aid office. Documentation for requested leave may be requested to verify need to make final decision of granting request.
Periods of absence within an approved LOA will not affect the Academy’s satisfactory progress policy (scheduled hours/absent hours will not be assessed for the period of leave). and no additional charges will be assessed due to LOA. Unofficial leaves, unapproved leaves and/or other temporary periods of non-attendance will be used when determining satisfactory academic progress.
The student’s enrollment agreement (scheduled graduation) will be administratively adjusted upon conclusion of the leave extending the student’s enrollment period based on the actual calendar days the student was on an approved leave. Changes to the contract period on the enrollment agreement must be initialed by all parties or an addendum must be signed and dated by all parties. A student will be withdrawn if the student takes an unapproved LOA or does not return by the expiration of an approved LOA, (as this institution is required to take attendance) the student's withdrawal date for the purpose of calculating a refund will be the students last day of attendance. ​
Note: student loan recipients who fail to return form LOA are advised that their withdrawal date will be calculated as the day they began their leave; therefore, their loan grace period (for repayment purposes) will begin the first day of their leave. This will result in the expiration of all or part of their grace period requiring repayment to begin immediately. The Academy’s refund policy and the terms therein are not impacted by the LOA policy.
The Academy will grant three (3) days unscheduled/approved absence to a student who provides documentation to Academy management of the death of an immediate family member. For the purposes of this policy, an immediate family member is defined as one of the following individuals: parents, spouse, child, sibling, or grandparent.

Tuition Policies for all including Service Members
Refund Policy, Cancellation and Settlement Policy
For applicants who cancel enrollment or students who withdraw from enrollment a fair and equitable settlement will apply. The following policy will apply to all terminations for any reason,
by either party, including student decision, course or program cancellation, or school closure. Any monies due the applicant or students shall be refunded within 45 days of official cancellation or withdrawal. Official cancellation or withdrawal shall occur on the earlier of the dates that:
An applicant is not accepted by the school. The applicant shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid except a non-refundable application fee.
A student (or legal guardian) cancels his/her enrollment in writing within three business days of signing the enrollment agreement. In this case all monies collected by the school shall be refunded, regardless of whether or not the student has actually started classes, less the non-refundable $95 application fee.
A student notifies the institution of his/her withdrawal in writing.
A student on an approved leave of absence notifies the school that he/she will not be returning. The date of withdrawal shall be the earlier of the date of expiration of the leave of absence or the date the student notifies the institution that the student will not be returning.
A student is expelled by the school. (Unofficial withdrawals will be determined by the institution by monitoring attendance daily).
In type 2, 3, 4 or 5, official cancellations or withdrawals, the cancellation date will be determined by the postmark on the written notification, or the date said notification is delivered to the school administrator or owner in person.
For students who enroll and begin classes but withdraw prior to course completion (after 14 calendar days of signing the contract), the following schedule of tuition earned by the school applies. All refunds are based on scheduled hours on last day of attendance.
The school refund is based on the State of Iowa tuition refund policy, Sec. 714.23. American Hair Academy shall make a pro rata refund of tuition charges to a student who terminates from the program in an amount that is not less than 95% of the amount of tuition charged the student multiplied by the ratio to the number of scheduled clock hours remaining in the school period to the total number of scheduled clock hours in the school period.
If a student terminates after 60% or more of the scheduled clock hours in the pay period, there is no refund of tuition.
7. If, at any time, an Iowa resident student terminates a postsecondary educational program after the first two calendar weeks due to the student's physical incapacity or, for a program that requires classroom instruction, due to the transfer of the student's spouse's employment another city (student must request either in writing and provide professional, verifiable documentation}, the terminating student shall receive a refund of tuition charges in an amount that equals the amount of tuition charged to the student multiplied by the ratio of remaining scheduled hours in the enrollment period to the total number of scheduled hours in the enrollment period. (refund is based on students last date of attendance)
In the case of disabling illness or injury, death in the student's immediate family or other documented mitigating circumstances, a reasonable and fair refund settlement will be made. If permanently closed or no longer offering instruction after a student has enrolled, the school will provide a pro rata refund of tuition to the student OR provide course completion through a pre-arranged teach out agreement with another institution. If the course is canceled subsequent to a student's enrollment, the school will either provide a full refund of all monies paid or completion of the course at a later time. If the course is cancelled after students have enrolled and instruction has begun, the school shall provide a pro rata refund for all students transferring to another school based on the hours accepted by the receiving school OR provide completion of the course OR participate in a Teach-Out Agreement OR provide a full refund of all monies paid.
If a Title IV financial aid recipient withdraws prior to course completion, a calculation for return of Title IV funds will be completed and any applicable returns by the school shall be paid, as applicable, first to unsubsidized Federal Stafford Student Loan Program; second to subsidized Federal Stafford Student Loan Program; third to Federal Pell Grant Program; fourth to other Federal, State, private or institutional student financial assistance programs; and last to the student. After all applicable returns to Title IV aid have been made, this refund policy will apply to determine the amount earned by the school and owed by the student. If the student has received personal payments of Title IV aid, he/she may be required to refund the aid to the applicable program.
The amount of financial aid earned is based on the hours scheduled; it is not equal to tuition earnings. A STUDENT FUNDED WITH FINANCIAL AID, WHO DOES NOT COMPLETE THE PROGRAM, MAY STILL OWE THE COLLEGE MONEY AT THE TIME OF WITHDRAW.
NONREFUNDABLE / NONRETURNABLE POLICY: Refund calculations are based on tuition only. Once the Book bundle, tablet and other kit items that are necessary for completion of the course, are issued and accepted by the student they are no longer returnable to the school and will be calculated separately from the tuition in the refund, at the time of withdraw. Due to cyber, health and sanitary reasons these items cannot be returned
For further explanation:
Enrollment Period: Enrollment periods are time segments based on two, 450 clock hours and two 325 clock hours to complete the 1550-hour cosmetology/barber program. Tuition is charged at the beginning of each enrollment period. Scheduled hours for withdrawal purpose are determined by the number of scheduled hours between the start date of the enrollment period to the last date of attendance before withdrawal within the enrollment period student was charged.
Cancellation Refund Computation: This is determined by the number of scheduled hours between the start date of the Enrollment Period to the last date of attendance before withdrawal is determined. Date of official notice of withdrawal from the student is the postmark on written notification, the date on received /confirmed email, or the date said information is communicated to a school administrator. If a student does not notify the school of extended absences or notify the school in writing of withdrawal, after 14th day of absence, the school will expel the student from school using the last recorded day of attendance for refund computation purposes. (Unofficial withdrawals will be determined by the institution by monitoring attendance daily).
Termination: Termination may result if a student violates the student code of conduct, policies of American Hair Academy. Or if he/she does not maintain satisfactory academic or attendance progress as outline din student catalog.
Withdrawal date: The withdrawal date for refund computation purposes is the last date student attended prior to the date the student notifies the school of withdrawal. When the college enacts termination, the last physical day of attendance will be used for refund calculations. A student on a leave of absence notifies the school that he/she will not be returning. The date of withdrawal determination shall be the earlier of the scheduled date of return form the leave of absence or the date the student notifies the institution that the student will not be returning.
Refund Policy
Cancellation Within Three Business Days: An applicant will have the opportunity to withdraw without penalty by notifying the school in writing before midnight of the third business day following either the scheduled orientation, signing the enrollment agreement, making and initial payment, or a tour of the school facility and inspection of equipment, and will issue a full refund of all monies paid minus the application fee.
Withdrawal or Dismissal Between Day Four and Two Weeks: Near the end of the first two weeks of classes, if the college determines the student is not suited for the program (failing grades or attendance), or the student decides to discontinue within the two-week period, the student shall be entitled to a full tuition refund of all moneys paid minus the non-refundable $95 Application fee, and non-refundable kit items that have been disbursed to them.
Withdrawal Or Dismissal After Two Calendar Weeks, But Prior to 60% of the Scheduled Enrollment Period:
Student will be charged all tuition, fees, equipment, textbook, and uniform costs associated with the enrollment period. The student will receive a pro rate tuition refund that is not less than ninety-five percent of the amount of tuition charged the student multiplied by the ratio of the number of scheduled clock hours remaining in the school period to the total number of scheduled clock hours in the school period. If student payments, exceed balance after this calculation, American Hair Academy will refund the difference within 45 days.
Withdrawal or Dismissal After 60% of Scheduled Enrollment Period: Student is not eligible for any refund (except in specific cases addressed in Iowa Code 714.23 (4), summarized below).
Exceptional Policy
If, at any time, an Iowa resident student terminates a postsecondary educational program due to the student’s physical incapacity or, for a program that requires classroom instruction, due to the transfer of the student’s spouse’s employment to another city (student must request ither in writing and provide professional, verifiable documentation), the terminating student shall receive a refund of tuition charges in an amount that equals the amount of tuition charged to the student multiplied by the ratio of remaining scheduled hours in the enrollment period to the total number of scheduled hours in the enrollment period.
Cancellation or Closure: If permanently closed or no longer offer instruction after a student has enrolled, the school will provide a pro-rata refund of tuition to the student or provide course completion through a pre-arranged teach out agreement with another institution. If the course is cancelled subsequent to a student’s enrockment, the school will either provide a full refund of all monies paid or completion of the course at a later time. If the course is cancelled after students have enrolled and instruction has begun, the school shall provide a pro rata refund for all students transferring to another school based on the hours accepted by the receiving school, provide completion of the course or participate in a Teach-out Agreement or provide a full refund of all monies paid.
NONREFUNDABLE / NONRETURNABLE POLICY: American Hair Academy will make any refund required under the above refund conditions within 45 calendar days after the school dismisses the student or receives written notice of withdrawal. Refund calculations are based on tuition only. All kit items are nonrefundable for the following reasons; the kit contains the equipment necessary for completion of the course. Students are expected to maintain the kit, book bundle and tablet by replacing lost or broken articles. The school is not responsible for a student’s kit, book bundle or tablet; either lost, or stolen. Once the student’s kit, book bundle or tablet are issued and accepted by the student, the items are no longer returnable to the school and nonrefundable.
Collection Policy: If the student has a balance owed to American Hair Academy at the time of withdrawal, the student must make payment in full within 30 days of withdrawal or make payment arrangements. Added costs incurred to collect a delinquent account will be added to student’s balance. In the event it become necessary for
American Hair Academy to incur collection costs or institute suit to collect any amount due under this agreement, the undersigned promises to be responsible for charges incurred, to pay all additional costs, charges collection fees and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, if incurred for collection or otherwise and submits
Jurisdiction and venue in Henry County. By signing the enrollment agreement, the student thus allows the school to release any data provided the school to a collection service.
Return of Title IV Aid (R2T4): When students withdraw from American Hair Academy (officially or unofficially), the last day of physical attendance (LDA) – calculated from when a student clocked in to complete academic activity at the school – is used. American Hair Academy will determine the amount of financial aid earned in each enrollment period. This determined by the amount of time the student was scheduled to be in attendance based on last day of attendance over the scheduled hours for the enrollment period.
If a student has not reached above 60% attendance in the enrollment period, American Hair Academy is required to return portions of unearned Title IV funds. If the amount disbursed directly to the student is greater than the amount earned, the student is responsible for returning funds to the Title IV programs. Funds are returned in the following order: 1) Stafford Unsubsidized Loan, 2) Stafford Subsidized Loan, 3) Parent Plus loan, 4) Pell Grant. American Hair Academy will return the funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no more than 45 days after it determines or should have determined the students withdrew.
Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD): If a student receives less Title IV aid than earned, a Post withdrawal disbursement is calculated and applied to the student account, with priority to refund grant funds. Within 10 days of withdrawal, burrower is notified of eligible loan funds. In the case of loan disbursements, notice and written confirmation from student or parent borrower is required before making a post withdrawal disbursement for loan funds. Written confirmation response must be received from borrower within 14 days of mailing. Any funds earned beyond tuition and fees will be disbursed directly to student within 1 days. Post Withdrawal disbursement amount is determined by Title IV aid earned; it does not relate to incurred school charges. Minimum Cancellation and Settlement Policy.
Military Deployment:
Iowa Administrative Code 261.9(1)g provides military students the following:
If a student who is a member of the military or the spouse of a member of the military (if the member has a dependent child) is deployed (ordered to state military service or federal service or duty) and must discontinue enrollment, the student will be entitled to a either a full refund of the current term or may arrange to complete the current term and/or return following deployment to complete the course. The student must submit deployment papers to the college to enact this refund.
V.A. Program: The refund procedure outlined by the V.A. Policies applies to all students enrolled at American Hair Academy under the V.A. Program and supersedes any refund policies outlined in the enrollment agreement for the students who qualify. The V.A. Policy specifically requires that a student’s VA benefits may be interrupted and/or the student’s enrollment may be cancelled if they are absent for more than 14 consecutive days.
Veterans Benefit and Transition Act of 2018:
For the purpose of this policy, a covered individual is any individual who is entitled to VA educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33.
American Hair Academy will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other instructional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to be provided by the Secretary under Chapter 31 or 33.
American Hair Academy may require a covered individual to take the following additional actions:
Submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance not later than the first day of a course of education for which the individual has indicated the individual wishes to use the individual’s entitlement to educational assistance.
Submit a written request to use such entitlement.
Provide additional information necessary to the proper certification of enrollment by the educational institution..
Collection Policy: If the student has a balance owed to American Hair Academy at the time of withdrawal, the student must make payment in full within 30 days of withdrawal or make payment arrangements. Added costs incurred to collect a delinquent account will be added to student’s balance. In the event it become necessary for
American Hair Academy to incur collection costs or institute suit to collect any amount due under this agreement, the undersigned promises to be responsible for charges incurred, to pay all additional costs, charges collection fees and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, if incurred for collection or otherwise and submits
Jurisdiction and venue in Henry County. By signing the enrollment agreement, the student thus allows the school to release any data provided the school to a collection service.
Treatment of Title IV Funds if the Student Withdraws
When students withdraw from American Hair Academy (officially or unofficially), the last day of physical attendance (LDA) – calculated from when a student clocked in to complete academic activity at the school – is used. American Hair Academy will determine the amount of financial aid earned in each enrollment period. This determined by the amount of time the student was scheduled to be in attendance based on LDA over the scheduled hours for the enrollment period.
If a student has not reached above 60% attendance in the enrollment period, American Hair Academy is required to return portions of unearned Title IV funds. If the amount disbursed directly to the student is greater than the amount earned, the student is responsible for returning funds to the Title IV programs. Funds are returned in the following order: 1) Stafford Unsubsidized Loan, 2) Stafford Subsidized Loan, 3) Parent Plus loan, 4) Pell Grant. American Hair Academy will return the funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no more than 45 days after it determines or should have determined the students withdrew.
Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD): If a student receives less Title IV aid than earned, a Post withdrawal disbursement is calculated and applied to the student account, with priority to refund grant funds. Within 10 days of withdrawal, burrower is notified of eligible loan funds. In the case of loan disbursements, notice and written confirmation from student or parent borrower is required before making a post withdrawal disbursement for loan funds. Written confirmation response must be received from borrower within 14 days of mailing. Any funds earned beyond tuition and fees will be disbursed directly to student within 1 days. Post Withdrawal disbursement amount is determined by Title IV aid earned; it does not relate to incurred school charges. Minimum Cancellation and Settlement Policy.